According to Sumardi in Yustiana (2011), learning achievement is divided into two parts. First, learning result is skill mastery which is done willfully in a period and certain topic. Second, learning result is the difference between someone skill at the beginning and the end of learning process. Learning achievement is knowledge mastery or skill that is developed by subject and it is used to be shown by mark (grade) that is given by a teacher (Purwodarminto in Nurkholis 2006:10). Syah (1997; 141) states that achievement is the standard of the students’ success in learning lesson in the school. It is score that can be achieved from test result abut certain lesson. Ubaidillah (2011: 11) states that English achievement is the standard of students’ success in learning English. It is English value that can be achieved from English test result. Achievement often used in many kinds of rules for what students achieved, for instants: test, homework, oral test that are done in teaching learning process. Students’ achievement is the measurement of teachers’ success with assumption that the important role of teacher is to increase students ‘achievement and it measures what student achieved. Commonly, to measure English achievement, teacher can use many kinds of achievement tests. For example, oral test, essay test and objective test or short answers test. While to measure learning process and students’ achievement like skill, it can be used only with oral or written test but also performance test.
Based on some definitions above, we can conclude that English achievement is the change that happened in students themselves after following a learning process in English subject. English learning result is a response that given by students. Learning result found not only from written but also oral cycle.